Words near each other
・ List of members of the European Parliament for the Netherlands, 2004–09
・ List of members of the European Parliament for the Netherlands, 2009–14
・ List of members of the European Parliament for the Scottish National Party
・ List of members of the European Parliament for the United Kingdom, 1973–79
・ List of members of the European Parliament for the United Kingdom, 1979–84
・ List of members of the European Parliament for the United Kingdom, 1984–89
・ List of members of the European Parliament for the United Kingdom, 1989–94
・ List of members of the European Parliament for the United Kingdom, 1994–99
・ List of members of the European Parliament for the United Kingdom, 1999–2004
・ List of members of the European Parliament for the United Kingdom, 2004–09
・ List of members of the European Parliament for the United Kingdom, 2009–14
・ List of members of the European Parliament for the United Kingdom, 2014–19
・ List of members of the European Parliament for West Germany, 1979–84
・ List of members of the European Parliament for West Germany, 1984–89
・ List of members of the European Parliament, 1979–84
List of members of the European Parliament, 1984–89
・ List of members of the European Parliament, 1989–94
・ List of members of the European Parliament, 1994–99
・ List of members of the European Parliament, 1999–2004
・ List of members of the European Parliament, 2004–09
・ List of members of the European Parliament, 2009–14
・ List of members of the European Parliament, 2014–19
・ List of members of the European United Left–Nordic Green Left, 2009–14
・ List of members of the Executive Council of New Hampshire
・ List of members of the Federal Parliament of Belgium, 1999–2003
・ List of members of the Federal Parliament of Belgium, 2003–2007
・ List of members of the federal parliament of Belgium, 2007–2010
・ List of Members of the Federal Parliament of Somalia
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・ List of members of the FIBA Hall of Fame

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List of members of the European Parliament, 1984–89 : ウィキペディア英語版
List of members of the European Parliament, 1984–89

*MEPs for Belgium 1984–1989
*MEPs for Denmark 1984–1989
*MEPs for France 1984–1989
*MEPs for Greece 1984–1989
*MEPs for Ireland 1984–1989
*MEPs for Italy 1984–1989
*MEPs for Luxembourg 1984–1989
*MEPs for the Netherlands 1984-1989
*MEPs for Portugal 1987–1989
*MEPs for Spain 1987–1989
*MEPs for the UK 1984–1989
*MEPs for West Germany 1984–1989
In alphabetic order:
*Jean-Pierre Abelin
*Victor Abens
*Carlos Aboim
*J. Adam
*Dimitrios Adamou
*Jochen van Aerssen
*Heinrich Aigner
*Alexandros Alavanos
*Siegbert Alber
*Jean-Marie Alexandre
*Manuel Almeida
*Giorgio Almirante
*María Alvarez
*José Álvarez
*Giuseppe Amadei
*Rui Amaral
*Werner Amberg
*Georgios Anastassopoulos
*Hedy D'ancona
*Giovanni Andenna
*Anne André-Léonard
*Niall Andrews
*Magdeleine Anglade
*Dario Antoniozzi
*Bernard Antony
*Manuel Arbeloa
*Pedro Argüelles
*Miguel Arias
*Rudi Arndt
*Evangelos Averoff-Tositsas
*Paraskevas Avgerinos
*Jean-Paul Bachy
*Monique Badénes
*Gianni Baget Bozzo
*Louis Baillot
*A. Balfe
*Pinto Balsemão
*María Bandrés
*Elizabeth Banotti
*Carla Barbarella
*Otto Bardong
*Enrique Barón
*Carlos Barral
*Sylvester Barrett
*José Barros
*Roberto Barzanti
*Robert Batailly
*C. Battersby
*Dominique Baudis
*Denis Baudouin
*E. Baur
*Bernardo Bayona
*Christopher Beazley
*Peter Beazley
*Hans-Joachim Beckmann
*Pais Beirôco
*Maria Belo
*Manuel Bencomo
*Gérard Benhamou
*Pierre Bernard-Reymond
*Giovanni Bersani
*Jean Besse
*Vincenzo Bettiza
*Bouke Beumer
*Ch.H. Beyer
*A.W. Bird
*von Bismarck
*Birgit Bjørnvig
*Undine-Uta Bloch
*Roland Blum
*Bernhard Blumenfeld
*L. Bocklet
*Jørgen Bøgh
*Alfons Boesmans
*Alain Bombard
*Aldo Bonaccini
*Jens-Peter Bonde
*Emma Bonino
*Margherita Boniver
*C.A.M. Boot
*Franco Borgo
*Bodil Boserup
*Ioannis Boutos
*Ursula Braun-Moser
*Georges De
*Jürgen Brinckmeier
*António Brito
*Elmar Brok
*Ann Brookes
*Paulin-Christian Bruné
*María Bru
*O'Neil Buchan
*Jean Buchou
*Miguel Bueno
*Martine Buron
*Antonino Buttafuoco
*Esteban Caamaño
*Pío Cabanillas
*Jesús Cabezón
*José Cabrera Bazan
*Rafael Calvo
*Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo
*Michel De
*Jorge Campinos
*Eusebio Cano
*Nicola Cantalamessa
*Manuel Cantarero
*Alain Carignon
*Angelo Carossino
*Vicente Carvalho
*Carlo Casini
*Jean-Pierre Cassabel
*Luisa Cassanmagnago
*M.D. Cassidy
*Luciana Castellina
*A. Castle
*Fred Sir
*Marco Cellai
*Emilio Cervera
*Giovanni Cervetti
*Dominique Chaboche
*Robert Chambeiron
*M.G. Chanterie
*Gisèle Charzat
*Mauro Chiabrando
*Roger Chinaud
*Vittorino Chiusano
*Louis Chopier
*Nicole Chouraqui
*Ib Christensen
*Hovgård Christiansen
*Efthymios Christodoulou
*Michelangelo Ciancaglini
*Roberto Cicciomessere
*Lisa Cinciari
*Mark Clinton
*José Coderch
*Robert Cohen
*Antero Coimbra
*Luis Colino
*Michel Collinot
*D. Collins
*Joan Colom
*Michele Columbu
*Francesco Compasso
*Fernando Condesso
*A.M. Cornelissen
*Roberto Costanzo
*Alfred Coste-Floret
*Jean-Pierre Cot
*J. Cottrell
*John De
*M. Baroness
*Rodolfo Crespo
*V.J. Croux
*E. Crusol
*Robert Cryer
*M. Curry
*Joachim Dalsass
*E. Daly
*Pieter Dankert
*M.R. De
*Michel Debatisse
*Karel De
*Antonio Del
*Robert Delorozoy
*Danielle De
*Ciriaco de Mita
*Jean-François Deniau
*Pancrazio De
*Gérard Deprez
*Stéphane Dermaux
*J.-M.J. Desama
*Dimitrios Dessylas
*Gilbert Devèze
*M. De
*M.C. De
*Ramón Diaz
*Mario Di
*Mario Dido'
*Carmen Díez
*B.M. Van
*Chrysanthos Dimitriadis
*Aristides Dimopoulos
*H. Donnez
*Manuel Duarte
*Daniel Ducarme
*Bárbara Dührkop
*Klaus Duetoft
*Anne-Marie Dupuy
*Emilio Duran
*Antoni Duran
*M.E.A. Dury
*Artur Ebel
*BARONESS Baroness
*James Elles
*N. Elliott
*Vassilis Ephremidis
*Sergio Ercini
*Juan Escuder
*Antonio Escudero
*Nicolas Estgen
*Rafael Estrella
*Dimitrios Evrigenis
*M. Ewing
*Louis Eyraud
*Sheila Faith
*Roger Fajardie
*C. Falconer
*Guido Fanti
*André Fanton
*Léon Fatous
*Ludwig Fellermaier
*José Fernandes
*Basil De
*Concepció Ferrer
*Bruno Ferrero
*Ove Fich
*Jorge De
*Konstantinos Filinis
*Gene Fitzgerald
*(Jim) Fitzsimons
*Seán Flanagan
*Colette Flesch
*Elena Flores
*Gaston Flosse
*Katharina Focke
*Nicole Fontaine
*Glyn Ford
*Roberto Formigoni
*André Fourçans
*Manuel Fraga
*Otmar Franz
*Bruno Friedrich
*Ingo Friedrich
*W. Früh
*M. Fuillet
*Colette Gadioux
*Gerardo Gaibisso
*A.R. Galland
*Max Gallo
*Alberto Galluzzi
*Augusto Gama
*Antonio Gangoiti
*Carlos Garaikoetxea
*Vasco Garcia
*Manuel García Amigo
*Ludivina García
*Antonio Garcia-Pagan
*Luis Garcia (politician)
*Salvador Garriga
*Carles-Alfred Gasòliba
*Natalino Gatti
*Roland Gaucher
*Roger Gauthier
*Fritz Gautier
*Jas Gawronski
*Nikolaos Gazis
*Kyriakos Gerontopoulos
*Marietta Giannakou-Koutsikou
*Giovanni Giavazzi
*Vincenzo Giummarra
*Emmanouil Glezos
*Ernest Glinne
*Santos Gomes
*Friedrich-Wilhelm Graefe
*Jacqueline Grand
*Alberto Graziani
*Eva Gredal
*François Gremetz
*Jim Griffiths
*Julián Grimaldos
*Anselmo Guarraci
*Jean Guermeur
*Julén Guimon
*Antoni Gutiérrez
*Otto Von
*Wolfgang Hackel
*Klaus Hänsch
*Benedikt Härlin
*F.T. Hahn
*Else Hammerich
*H.G. Happart
*Brigitte Heinrich
*H.J. Herman
*Ramón Herrero
*E.V. Hersant
*Ien Van
*J. Hindley
*Rüdiger Hitzigrath
*Magdalene Hoff
*Jacqueline Hoffmann
*Karl-Heinz Hoffmann (politician)
*W. Hoon
*F. Howell
*J. Huckfield
*Stephen Hughes (politician)
*Jean-Paul Hugot
*John Hume
*Henry Hutton
*Antonio Iodice
*Antonio Iodice
*Felice Ippolito
*John Iversen
*Caroline Jackson
*M. Jackson
*V. Jakobsen
*L. Janssen
*Marie Jepsen
*Lionel Jospin
*Alain Juppé
*T. Kellett-Bowman
*L. Kilby
*Mark Killilea, Jnr
*A. Klepsch
*Jan Klinkenborg
*Michael Klöckner
*Spiridon Kolokotronis
*Frode Kristoffersen
*H.G.J.M. Kuijpers
*Leonidas Kyrkos
*Augusto Lacerda
*María Lafuente
*Leonidas Lagakos
*Joseph Lalor
*Panayotis Lambrias
*Horst Langes
*E.S. Larive
*Pierre Lataillade
*A.F. Lecanuet
*Jean-Marie Le
*Martine Lehideux
*Bram Van
*Eileen Lemass
*Ludwig Lemmer
*Marcelle Lentz-Cornette
*Marlene Lenz
*Jean-Marie Le
*Marie-Noëlle Lienemann
*Giosuè Ligios
*Salvatore Lima
*Rolf Linkohr
*A. Lizin
*Carmen Llorca
*César Llorens
*Alfred Lomas
*Gérard Longuet
*Charles-Emile Loo
*J. Louwes
*António Lucas
*Zenon-José Luis
*Rudolf Luster
*Finn Lynge
*Joseph Mccartin
*Giulio Maceratini
*Michael Mcgowan
*R. Mcmahon
*Edward Mcmillan-Scott
*Ray Mac
*Filipe Madeira
*P.M. Maffre-Baugé
*Joseph Maher
*Hanja Maij-Weggen
*Kurt Malangré
*Philippe Malaud
*Christian De
*Jacques Mallet
*Jean-François Mancel
*Georges Marchais
*M.E.E. Marck
*Francesca Marinaro
*Luís Marinho
*Alain Marleix
*Joaquim Marques
*José Marques
*Leslie Marshall
*Claudio Martelli
*David Martin (Scottish politician)
*M.M. Martin
*Renato Massari
*Vincenzo Mattina
*Georgios Mavros
*Sylvie Mayer
*Federico Mayor
*Manuel Medeiros
*Manuel Medina
*Thomas Megahy
*Meinolf Mertens
*Alman Metten
*Alberto Michelini
*Karl-Heinrich Mihr
*Joaquim Miranda
*Ana Miranda
*Alfeo Mizzau
*Poul Møller (politician)
*Emilio Molinari
*Andoni Monforte
*María Montero
*James Moorhouse
*Fernando Morán (politician)
*Alberto Moravia
*Raúl Morodo
*Giovanni Moroni
*R. Morris
*Didier Motchane
*Jean Mouchel
*Ernest Mühlen
*Günther Müller
*Werner Münch
*Joaquim Muns
*J. Muntingh
*François Musso
*Alessandro Natta
*Antonio Navarro (Spanish polititian)
*Giovanni Negri
*Lore Neugebauer
*Stanley Newens
*Edward Newman (UK politician)
*Bill Newton
*Brøndlund Nielsen
*Tove Nielsen
*Egbert Nitsch
*R. Nord
*Jean-Thomas Nordmann
*Tom Sir
*Wolfgang Von
*Diego Novelli
*G. O'donnell
*Charles Strachey, 4th Baron O'Hagan
*Francisco Oliva
*Gerard O'malley
*Jeanette Oppenheim
*Olivier D'ormesson
*R.K. Paisley
*Giancarlo Pajetta
*Roger Palmieri
*Marco Pannella
*Konstantina Pantazi
*Nikolaos Papakyriazis
*Giovanni Papapietro
*Christiane Papon
*Christos Papoutsis
*Eolo Parodi
*Roger Partrat
*Jean-Claude Pasty
*Benjamin Patterson
*Andrew Pearce
*Jorge Pegado
*Jiří Pelikán (politician)
*J.M. Penders
*Manuel Pereira
*Virgílio Pereira
*José Pereira Lopez
*Fernando Pérez Royo
*Guillermo Perinat
*Nicole Pery
*Wilhelm Peters
*Francesco Petroio
*Gabriele Peus
*Gero Pfennig
*Pierre Pflimlin
*Dorothee Piermont
*Carlos Pimenta
*Sergio Pininfarina
*Lourdes Pintasilgo
*Augusto Pinto
*René-Emile Piquet
*Fritz Pirkl
*Ferruccio Pisoni
*Nino Pisoni
*(Terry) Pitt
*Luis Planas
*Spyridon Plaskovitis
*Hans Poetschki
*Hans-Gert Pöttering
*Lydie Polfer
*Mario Pomilio
*C. Poniatowski
*Bernard Pons
*E. Pons
*A. Pordea
*Lars Poulsen
*Derek Prag
*Pierre-Benjamin Pranchère
*N. Price
*J. Sir
*L.C. Provan
*José Puerta
*Eduardo Punset
*G. Quin
*Renate-Charlotte Rabbethge
*Thomas Raftery
*Andrea Raggio
*Dios Ramírez
*Alfredo Reichlin
*Gh.A.A. Remacle
*Dolores Renan
*Mario Rigo
*Günter Rinsche
*Shelagh Dame
*Carlos Robles
*M.G.A.Ch.F. Roelants
*Dieter Rogalla
*Rosario Romeo
*Georgios Romeos
*Domènec Romera
*Pino Romualdi
*M.C.Th. Van
*Walter Rosa
*Giorgio Rossetti
*André Rossi
*Tommaso Rossi
*Mechtild Rothe
*Willi Rothley
*Jean-Pierre Roux
*Xavier Rubert
*Richie Ryan
*Henri Saby
*Bernhard Sälzer
*Jannis Sakellariou
*Heinke Salisch
*Felipe Sanchez-Cuenca
*Miguel De
*Manuel Dos
*Javier Sanz
*Enrique Sapena
*Georgios Saridakis
*Giuseppe Schiavinato
*P.A. Schinzel
*Ursula Schleicher
*Gerhard Schmid
*Barbara Schmidbauer
*Lydie Schmit
*Konrad Schön
*Heinz Schreiber
*Frank Schwalba-Hoth
*James Sir
*Christiane Scrivener
*H. Seal
*Horst Seefeld
*Hans-Joachim Seeler
*Camillo Segre
*Lieselotte Seibel-Emmerling
*Richard Seligman
*Gustavo Selva
*Alexander Sherlock
*Mateo Sierra
*José Silva Domingos
*J. Simmonds
*Barbara Simons
*M.H. Simpson
*T. Smith
*Leopold Späth
*Altiero Spinelli
*Vera Squarcialupi
*M.J. Staes
*Giovanni Starita
*Schenk Graf
*Konstantinos Stavrou
*W. Stevenson
*A. Stewart
*Jack Sir
*Jean-Pierre Stirbois
*Fernando Suárez
*Georges Sutra
*John Taylor
*Wilfried Telkämper
*Bernard Thareau
*R. Theato
*Jacqueline Thome-Patenotre
*Carlo Tognoli
*Claus Toksvig
*Teun Tolman
*E. The
*Carole Tongue
*Günter Topmann
*Enzo Tortora
*Raymond Tourrain
*A.E.J. Toussaint
*Giovanni Travaglini
*Alberto Tridente
*Antonino Tripodi
*Renzo Trivelli
*Osvalda Trupia
*A. Tuckman
*E. Turner
*Ioannis Tzounis
*von Uexküll
*L.E. Ulburghs
*Maurizio Valenzi
*José Valverde
*H.-A. Vandemeulebroucke
*J.H. Van
*Jean-Marie Vanlerenberghe
*Karel Van Miert
*B.R. Sir
*Grigorios Varfis
*Marie-Claude Vayssade
*José Vázquez
*Luis Vega
*Simone Veil
*A. Verbeek
*Josep Verde
*J. Vergeer
*Paul Vergès
*Jacques Vernier
*Willy Vernimmen
*Oskar Vetter
*Nikolaos Vgenopoulos
*J. Viehoff
*Ben Visser
*Silvio Vitale
*Kurt Vittinghoff
*Thomas Von
*Leen Van
*W. Wagner
*Gerd Walter
*Kurt Wawrzik
*Beate Weber
*Rudolf Wedekind
*J. Welsh
*Charles Wendeling
*Norman West
*H.W. Wettig
*Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul
*A. Wijsenbeek
*Karl Von
*Joseph Wohlfart
*Claude Wolff
*P. Woltjer
*Francis Wurtz
*Mario Zagari
*Hans-Jürgen Zahorka
*N. Zarges
*Spyridon Zournatzis
==See also==

* European Parliament election, 1984
* List of members of the European Parliament 1984–1989
* Member of the European Parliament

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